Friday, January 07, 2011

2010 in 5:55

(**A little better quality now!)

2010 was a good year - a little busier than I like - but overall an OK year.

The quality of this slideshow stinks, perhaps when I have a little more time to mess with it, I'll figure out a better way to post it. 

I'm making some changes this year.  This is going to be the year of "no".  I won't be doing any photography.   I'm seriously considering deleting my Facebook account.  Blogging?  Who knows.  I have a list of books I'm working and am determined to read at least 10 books from that list.   I have a few physical feats I'm taking on and am excited about.  I want to focus on just the things I love and love doing.  Just some ramblings....

Happy (late) New Year!


Diane said...


Loved the slideshow...very awesome family you have and great memories. I mostly love love your post...I too after the year had last year have decided to only do those things that matter most and ENJOY!