Monday, September 20, 2010


Have you ever seen anything cuter than Scooter?  I couldn't find him the other day and when I did, he was nestled up in my pillows having a nice little nap. 
He also loves to burrow in to blankets.  He is just so darn cute.  


Steve ran the marathon last weekend.  He cut about 15 minutes off his previous time! He is having a hard time walking today and says he'll never run again, but I'll give him another day and he'll be back out there. 

His goal was to be under 4 hours and he came in at 3:59:43.  Phew. 
Since Em saw Ramona and Beezus earlier this summer, she has been spending every spare minute in this tree.  She and her friends all have "sitting spots".  She'll spend hours up there reading or just hanging out.  I think it's pretty cute, but I'm hoping/praying that there are no missteps or slips - she's gets pretty far up there! 

Em also loves helping me in the kitchen.  She has become quite the breadmaker!  It is so fun to see her want to learn baking skills.   She is growing up way too fast but I love the cute little young lady she is becoming!