Monday, August 30, 2010

If you're looking for a good read...

 I started this book a couple of years ago but got distracted by other books and kind of forgot about it.  I recently came back to it and am so glad I did!  It is so beautifully written - very descriptive without overkill - which I think is a rare talent that few authors possess.   

A review I read recently said the following about it:
"Peace Like a River serves as a reminder of why we read fiction to begin with: to commune with a vividly, lovingly rendered world, to lose ourselves in story and language and beauty, to savor what we don't want to end yet know must."
—Andrew Roe, San Francisco Chronicle
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
I highly recommend it if you're looking for a delightful escape! 


Anonymous said...

maybe it was my mood during that read, but I couldn't get into it, shame on me.... I didn't finish it and then everyone in my ward has read it, bookclub did it but I couldn't get myself to show up and not talk about it LOL maybe someday I'll give it another shot. PLease tell me you have read THE HELP.

Ang said...

That sounds almost exactly like what happened to me - I started it but didn't really like it, we did it for book club, everyone talked about, I went back to it, loved it, yada yada. I'm really glad I revisited it!

I haven't read The Help - but it's on my list!