Friday, May 27, 2011

Our not bummer summer...

Last summer was NOT AWESOME and we are determined to make this one better!  I asked the kids to make a list of the things they wanted to do most throughout the summer.  I thought it was funny how close all our lists are.

Ryan's list:

7 Peaks
Willow Park Zoo
Bear Lake
Tony Grove
weekly movies
museums in Ogden
Fun Park
Rock Haus

Em's list:
Skyview to swim
N. Ogden pool
Timpanogos Cave
any museums
Bear Lake
Willow Park
Fun Park
7 Peaks
weekly movies

My list:
picnics in Logan Canyon
weekly library visits
Minnetonka Caves
Bear Lake
Tony Grove
weekly movies

We have also set a goal to read a combined total of 5000 pages.  Last summer we did 2500 pages, but we didn't start until around July.  We're doubling it this year and starting now.  When we reach our goal, we will go to either the N. Ogden pool or Cherry Hill.    Looking forward to a great summer!


Jocelyn said...

I need to take awesome lessons from you.