Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My own March Madness...

The Spring cleaning bug has hit and watch out junk, you are going down.

Several weeks ago I gutted one of the storage rooms and got rid of a ton of crap.  In the last 2 weeks I have deep cleaned the spare bedroom, the laundry room, and both bathrooms. 

I am publicly declaring what I'll be doing next to hopefully make it more likely that I actually do it:

1.  Clean the master closet and reduce the amount of clothes by at least 1/3.  We have so many clothes that we don't wear and it's so dumb when someone else could be using what we don't. 

2.  Deep clean hall closets.  We have coats we'll never wear again, bags we'll never use, suitcases that are useless, and winter clothing that will never be used.  Time to reduce.  I have a bazillion hair bows and barrettes  that Em will never wear again.  Some other cute little girl would love them.  I need to give some serious thought to how I organize the linens and cleaning supplies.  Right now it's very inefficient.

3.  Clean out under my bed.  It's not terrible, just a few books and stray shoes.  Could use a good vacuuming and dusting of the baseboards.

4.  Office.  Bleh.  Several months ago I reorganized the filing cabinet and it still looks pretty good, but it's surprising how quickly the papers pile up.  We have a lot of outdated CDs and other software/hardware that need to be filed in that big, black, round filing cabinet in the garage.  :)    I hope Steve doesn't read that. 

5. Game/blanket/toy closet.  When things get put back where they belong, this closet looks pretty good.  The problem is that things get shoved in and mixed up.  We have too many blankets and too many toys that never get played with.  They would be so much more appreciated by someone else. 

6.  Em's room.  I told her that she could have a room redo for her 12th birthday so I'm giving some serious thought to how we could better organize her room.  She's at such a strange age where she still wants some toys around, but is very picky about what is cool and what is dorky.

7.  Books.  It's time to get serious about what I'm actually going to read and donate what I'm not.  I also need to return quite a few books to the people I borrowed them from.

8.  Pantry and kitchen cabinets.  I have plenty of space, but the clutter just builds up and there is so much crap that I don't need.  Most of the cabinets could use a good de-junking.  The pantry could use a little organizing and a good vacuuming. 

9.  Command central.  This space has always been a problem.  I need better systems for dealing with all the papers that come in and need immediate attention, or attention some time in the near future. 

10.   Cold storage.  This area looks pretty good, but we have a lot of outdated food storage.  I need to assess what we need and get it purchased and organized. 

There.  10 things.  Totally doable. 


Jocelyn said...

I've been doing the same thing and it feels AWESOME. I'm loving it (although my huge two-day kitchen project kind of wore me out, so I'm taking a little break). I like your ten projects. They're doable!