Monday, January 02, 2012


Another year of 'no'?  Yes!

Last year was a pretty good year, for the most part.  Still much busier that I like, but I got really good at telling people 'no' and prioritizing.  I had a lot of fun with my kids and did a lot of things that I enjoy (quilting, reading, watching movies, etc.)

Some things I want to work on this year:

*  Update and organize our food storage.  Yikes.  It's been a little neglected.
*  Completely finish the downstairs bathroom.
*  Run/walk 400 miles
*  Update scrapbooks.  Yikes. 
*  Finish unfinished sewing projects.
*  Organize shelves in garage.
*  Read 10 books from my list.
*  Update blog twice a month.  (We'll see about this one!)

Here we go 2012!


Jocelyn said...

I like your list -- especially the frequent blogging. :)

Life just feels so much better when it's lived more simply -- I like the way you put it -- saying 'no.' You're pretty much awesome.